cherrypy package



cherrypy.daemon module

The CherryPy daemon.
cherrypy.daemon.start(configfiles=None, daemonize=False, environment=None, fastcgi=False, scgi=False, pidfile=None, imports=None, cgi=False)

Subscribe all engine plugins and start the engine.

Module contents

CherryPy is a pythonic, object-oriented HTTP framework.

CherryPy consists of not one, but four separate API layers.

The APPLICATION LAYER is the simplest. CherryPy applications are written as a tree of classes and methods, where each branch in the tree corresponds to a branch in the URL path. Each method is a ‘page handler’, which receives GET and POST params as keyword arguments, and returns or yields the (HTML) body of the response. The special method name ‘index’ is used for paths that end in a slash, and the special method name ‘default’ is used to handle multiple paths via a single handler. This layer also includes:

  • the ‘exposed’ attribute (and cherrypy.expose)
  • cherrypy.quickstart()
  • _cp_config attributes
  • (including cherrypy.session)
  • cherrypy.url()

The ENVIRONMENT LAYER is used by developers at all levels. It provides information about the current request and response, plus the application and server environment, via a (default) set of top-level objects:

  • cherrypy.request
  • cherrypy.response
  • cherrypy.engine
  • cherrypy.server
  • cherrypy.tree
  • cherrypy.config
  • cherrypy.thread_data
  • cherrypy.log
  • cherrypy.HTTPError, NotFound, and HTTPRedirect
  • cherrypy.lib

The EXTENSION LAYER allows advanced users to construct and share their own plugins. It consists of:

  • Hook API
  • Tool API
  • Toolbox API
  • Dispatch API
  • Config Namespace API

Finally, there is the CORE LAYER, which uses the core API’s to construct the default components which are available at higher layers. You can think of the default components as the ‘reference implementation’ for CherryPy. Megaframeworks (and advanced users) may replace the default components with customized or extended components. The core API’s are:

  • Application API
  • Engine API
  • Request API
  • Server API

These API’s are described in the CherryPy specification.

cherrypy.quickstart(root=None, script_name='', config=None)

Mount the given root, start the builtin server (and engine), then block.

root: an instance of a “controller class” (a collection of page handler
methods) which represents the root of the application.
script_name: a string containing the “mount point” of the application.

This should start with a slash, and be the path portion of the URL at which to mount the given root. For example, if root.index() will handle requests to “”, then the script_name argument would be “/dept/app1”.

It MUST NOT end in a slash. If the script_name refers to the root of the URI, it MUST be an empty string (not “/”).

config: a file or dict containing application config. If this contains
a [global] section, those entries will be used in the global (site-wide) config.