Source code for cherrypy.test.test_config

"""Tests for the CherryPy configuration system."""

import io
import os
import sys
import unittest

import six

import cherrypy
import cherrypy._cpcompat as compat

from cherrypy.test import helper

localDir = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), os.path.dirname(__file__))

StringIOFromNative = lambda x: io.StringIO(six.text_type(x))

[docs]def setup_server(): @cherrypy.config(foo='this', bar='that') class Root: def __init__(self): cherrypy.config.namespaces['db'] = self.db_namespace def db_namespace(self, k, v): if k == 'scheme': self.db = v @cherrypy.expose(alias=('global_', 'xyz')) def index(self, key): return cherrypy.request.config.get(key, 'None') @cherrypy.expose def repr(self, key): return repr(cherrypy.request.config.get(key, None)) @cherrypy.expose def dbscheme(self): return self.db @cherrypy.expose @cherrypy.config(**{'request.body.attempt_charsets': ['utf-16']}) def plain(self, x): return x favicon_ico = filename=os.path.join(localDir, '../favicon.ico')) @cherrypy.config(foo='this2', baz='that2') class Foo: @cherrypy.expose def index(self, key): return cherrypy.request.config.get(key, 'None') nex = index @cherrypy.expose @cherrypy.config(**{'response.headers.X-silly': 'sillyval'}) def silly(self): return 'Hello world' # Test the expose and config decorators @cherrypy.config(foo='this3', **{'bax': 'this4'}) @cherrypy.expose def bar(self, key): return repr(cherrypy.request.config.get(key, None)) class Another: @cherrypy.expose def index(self, key): return str(cherrypy.request.config.get(key, 'None')) def raw_namespace(key, value): if key == '': handler = cherrypy.request.handler def wrapper(): params = cherrypy.request.params for name, coercer in list(value.items()): try: params[name] = coercer(params[name]) except KeyError: pass return handler() cherrypy.request.handler = wrapper elif key == 'output': handler = cherrypy.request.handler def wrapper(): # 'value' is a type (like int or str). return value(handler()) cherrypy.request.handler = wrapper @cherrypy.config(**{'raw.output': repr}) class Raw: @cherrypy.expose @cherrypy.config(**{'': {'num': int}}) def incr(self, num): return num + 1 if not six.PY3: thing3 = "thing3: unicode('test', errors='ignore')" else: thing3 = '' ioconf = StringIOFromNative(""" [/] neg: -1234 filename: os.path.join(sys.prefix, "") thing1: cherrypy.lib.httputil.response_codes[404] thing2: __import__('cherrypy.tutorial', globals(), locals(), ['']).thing2 %s complex: 3+2j mul: 6*3 ones: "11" twos: "22" stradd: %%(ones)s + %%(twos)s + "33" [/favicon.ico] tools.staticfile.filename = %r """ % (thing3, os.path.join(localDir, 'static/dirback.jpg'))) root = Root() = Foo() root.raw = Raw() app = cherrypy.tree.mount(root, config=ioconf) app.request_class.namespaces['raw'] = raw_namespace cherrypy.tree.mount(Another(), '/another') cherrypy.config.update({'luxuryyacht': 'throatwobblermangrove', 'db.scheme': r'sqlite///memory', })
# Client-side code #
[docs]class ConfigTests(helper.CPWebCase): setup_server = staticmethod(setup_server)
[docs] def testConfig(self): tests = [ ('/', 'nex', 'None'), ('/', 'foo', 'this'), ('/', 'bar', 'that'), ('/xyz', 'foo', 'this'), ('/foo/', 'foo', 'this2'), ('/foo/', 'bar', 'that'), ('/foo/', 'bax', 'None'), ('/foo/bar', 'baz', "'that2'"), ('/foo/nex', 'baz', 'that2'), # If 'foo' == 'this', then the mount point '/another' leaks into # '/'. ('/another/', 'foo', 'None'), ] for path, key, expected in tests: self.getPage(path + '?key=' + key) self.assertBody(expected) expectedconf = { # From CP defaults 'tools.log_headers.on': False, 'tools.log_tracebacks.on': True, 'request.show_tracebacks': True, 'log.screen': False, 'environment': 'test_suite', 'engine.autoreload.on': False, # From global config 'luxuryyacht': 'throatwobblermangrove', # From Root._cp_config 'bar': 'that', # From Foo._cp_config 'baz': 'that2', # From 'foo': 'this3', 'bax': 'this4', } for key, expected in expectedconf.items(): self.getPage('/foo/bar?key=' + key) self.assertBody(repr(expected))
[docs] def testUnrepr(self): self.getPage('/repr?key=neg') self.assertBody('-1234') self.getPage('/repr?key=filename') self.assertBody(repr(os.path.join(sys.prefix, ''))) self.getPage('/repr?key=thing1') self.assertBody(repr(cherrypy.lib.httputil.response_codes[404])) if not getattr(cherrypy.server, 'using_apache', False): # The object ID's won't match up when using Apache, since the # server and client are running in different processes. self.getPage('/repr?key=thing2') from cherrypy.tutorial import thing2 self.assertBody(repr(thing2)) if not six.PY3: self.getPage('/repr?key=thing3') self.assertBody(repr(unicode('test'))) self.getPage('/repr?key=complex') self.assertBody('(3+2j)') self.getPage('/repr?key=mul') self.assertBody('18') self.getPage('/repr?key=stradd') self.assertBody(repr('112233'))
[docs] def testRespNamespaces(self): self.getPage('/foo/silly') self.assertHeader('X-silly', 'sillyval') self.assertBody('Hello world')
[docs] def testCustomNamespaces(self): self.getPage('/raw/incr?num=12') self.assertBody('13') self.getPage('/dbscheme') self.assertBody(r'sqlite///memory')
[docs] def testHandlerToolConfigOverride(self): # Assert that config overrides tool constructor args. Above, we set # the favicon in the page handler to be '../favicon.ico', # but then overrode it in config to be './static/dirback.jpg'. self.getPage('/favicon.ico') self.assertBody(open(os.path.join(localDir, 'static/dirback.jpg'), 'rb').read())
[docs] def test_request_body_namespace(self): self.getPage('/plain', method='POST', headers=[ ('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'), ('Content-Length', '13')], body=compat.ntob('\xff\xfex\x00=\xff\xfea\x00b\x00c\x00')) self.assertBody('abc')
[docs]class VariableSubstitutionTests(unittest.TestCase): setup_server = staticmethod(setup_server)
[docs] def test_config(self): from textwrap import dedent # variable substitution with [DEFAULT] conf = dedent(""" [DEFAULT] dir = "/some/dir" my.dir = %(dir)s + "/sub" [my] my.dir = %(dir)s + "/my/dir" my.dir2 = %(my.dir)s + '/dir2' """) fp = StringIOFromNative(conf) cherrypy.config.update(fp) self.assertEqual(cherrypy.config['my']['my.dir'], '/some/dir/my/dir') self.assertEqual(cherrypy.config['my'] ['my.dir2'], '/some/dir/my/dir/dir2')
[docs]class CallablesInConfigTest(unittest.TestCase): setup_server = staticmethod(setup_server)
[docs] def test_call_with_literal_dict(self): from textwrap import dedent conf = dedent(""" [my] value = dict(**{'foo': 'bar'}) """) fp = StringIOFromNative(conf) cherrypy.config.update(fp) self.assertEqual(cherrypy.config['my']['value'], {'foo': 'bar'})
[docs] def test_call_with_kwargs(self): from textwrap import dedent conf = dedent(""" [my] value = dict(foo="buzz", **cherrypy._test_dict) """) test_dict = { 'foo': 'bar', 'bar': 'foo', 'fizz': 'buzz' } cherrypy._test_dict = test_dict fp = StringIOFromNative(conf) cherrypy.config.update(fp) test_dict['foo'] = 'buzz' self.assertEqual(cherrypy.config['my']['value']['foo'], 'buzz') self.assertEqual(cherrypy.config['my']['value'], test_dict) del cherrypy._test_dict