Source code for cherrypy.test.test_compat

from __future__ import unicode_literals

import unittest

import six

import nose

from cherrypy import _cpcompat as compat

[docs]class StringTester(unittest.TestCase):
[docs] def test_ntob_non_native(self): """ ntob should raise an Exception on unicode. (Python 2 only) See #1132 for discussion. """ if six.PY3: raise nose.SkipTest('Only useful on Python 2') self.assertRaises(Exception, compat.ntob, 'fight')
[docs]class EscapeTester(unittest.TestCase): """Class to test escape_html function from _cpcompat."""
[docs] def test_escape_quote(self): """test_escape_quote - Verify the output for &<>"' chars.""" self.assertEqual("""xx&amp;&lt;&gt;"aa'""", compat.escape_html("""xx&<>"aa'"""))